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Työskentelen pääosin videon ja performanssin keinoin. Teen taidetta tutkiakseni todellisuuden rakennetta ja lainalaisuuksia. Mitä on olemassa, miten se on olemassa ja kuinka se manifestoituu todellisuutemme eri tasoissa. Teokseni kuvittavat paljon kahtijakoisen ajattelumme harhaa ja ääripäät saavatkin toistensa piirteitä. 

Teoksissani enkelit kiusaavat piruja, lapsuuden leikit vääristyvät ja muuttuvat todeksi, outous ja yksinäisyys ovat läsnä, pyhä sekoittuu fetissiin ja alastomuus on puhtautta. 

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I am performance- and video artist. I do my art like I do my magick: to make a change, to understand the universe and its order and disorder. At the same time, I express my own dreams of childhood and desires of adulthood like being a princess and your own god, pee in punch and look like a hooker.


I have been attracted to searching enjoyment and finding pleasure in different acts that can be stigmatized as oddness. I'm mixing sexual energy, spiritual acts (like yoga, mantras, meditation etc.) and rituality, playing with themes like "dirtyness" and "becoming clean" by showing primitive and spiritual energy as equal or even the same. What are similarities between both's flows, giving ego away and in satisfaction or trance. I have done ritual art and used shamanism part of my working. 


I do performance art because I want to learn something about life. I want to make my life rich of experiences by doing things that many are scared to do because of norms and their own egos. I conceive myself as a researcher: how this world works and how the universe is built. In video art, I show more of characters and different kind of worlds.



Aeon Lux portrait-345-Edit.jpg

Kuva: Pasi Puskala, 2021

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